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Relationships – love of Self- Issues within a Partnership – Getting over Trauma/Parental Abuse or Sexual Assault – Self Confidence – Self Esteem – Sexuality – LBGTQ+ Acceptance – Motivation – Avoidance- Rejection etc…

Before you can love another, you have to love yourself. To love yourself you have to release all others energy, words and programming, then and only then, can see the real you, figure out who “YOU” want to be in this world.

All our lives we met people along the way, that we develop relationships with. There is a poem that i have always loved and it made the world of relationships, make sense to me. “A Reason, A Season or a Lifetime” (see below) Sometimes people come into your life for a moment, a day, or a lifetime. It matters not the time they spent with you but how they impacted your life in that moment. It is then the meaning you made out of that encounter, that imprints on your psyche, rewiring your neurons and changing your neural pathways permanently. If good experience like in the poem, you may have formed a great connection. However if negative, then that encounter usually imprints more distinctly and more deeply. It is the negative ones that run on repeat in our minds. To add even more impact, If love and heartache are involved it engrains deeper into your thought patterns, voices, words and emotions trump logic and reason. Which usually cause us to spiral from within. 

Sometime these encounters with parents, lovers, partners, friends or  random strangers cause such pain, fear or stress, that our bodies go into a state of constant fight or flight, which is so detrimental to our way of being. We naturally produce a multitude of chemicals in our minds and bodies, i.e adrenalin, cortisol, melatonin etc, that in this state go into survival mode. If we live in constant stress mode, from say a Ex partner not wanting to let go or parents disapproval of life choices or you not living up to their expectations, or many, many other situations. Then our brains normal functions to regulate, can not do their job. So we end up shutting down emotionally then physically. If you feel any of these things are relatable and you can not move past that state no matter what therapy you have tried, what modality you have tried, no matter what amount of money you have throw away over the years, as we know most of these are set up to keep you coming back. Then you need to give me and RTT a try. It is a blend of five proven therapeutic techniques and it works! I have done the work myself. I also put my own Eclectic spin on it using the energy modalities, coach methods and loving space I hold for my clients to finally and permanently  release. When we see the root of our issues, release them, make peace with them, know they are in the past and can not hurt us if we can learn to think from a place of power and not victimhood. 

                                             “THERE IS NOTHING STRONGER, THEN A BROKEN WOMAN, WHO HAS REBUILT HERSELF!!”



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